From "Executive Leadership and Physician Well-Being", T.D Shanafelt et al, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Jan. 2017
Clinicians enter medicine with a sense of “calling" around improving the lives of individuals, families and communities. Through years of training and hard work, medical professionals dedicate their careers to one of the noblest and most basic of human aspirations – taking care of others. Clinicians care for us at our most joyful and most difficult moments.
For many medical professionals, the joy they once experienced in their work has faded or is gone altogether. The rapidly changing environment in health care has created unprecedented levels of stress and burnout, leading to deep personal and organizational challenges. Our programs are designed to foster personal resilience and well-being – outcomes that have a positive ripple effect throughout teams and organizations. Designed in collaboration with clinicians, and senior medical executives, our pioneering approach is based on research demonstrating the importance of collegial support, self-awareness, meaning, and purpose.
Meaning: Most clinicians chose medicine because they want to make a difference. Our approach is built on the power of helping clinicians return to the roots of this calling. Our programs bolster resilience by helping individuals reconnect to the reason for their work and to the pivotal role they play in our communities. (For example, see: “Association Between Physician Burnout and Identification with Medicine as a Calling”, A.J. Jager et al, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Vol. 92, #3, March 2017)
Self-Awareness: The value of personal reflection and self-awareness is well known, but finding the time is almost impossible for many clinicians. Lumunos provides efficient opportunities and tools for individual and group reflection. Through conversation and the use of carefully crafted resources, clinicians are able to identify their stressors, make adjustments, and reconnect with their passion for medicine.
Collegiality: Clinicians need opportunities to talk with peers about their daily challenges. Expert facilitation keeps the conversation positive, honest, and productive. As clinicians share their experiences through guided conversation, they experience support and wisdom from their peers.
To learn more about how we put these ideas into practice, click on the photos below.