COVID Fatigue, General Resilience, and Well-Being
What to Do with Your COVID Anger and Empathy Fatigue
Description: A new phrase has unfortunately been added to our lexicon: “COVID Anger.” COVID has had a major impact on clinicians’ work and home life, and the idea that this latest surge was preventable is a bitter pill. Many clinicians are extremely frustrated with those able but unwilling to get vaccinated. In a related way, the empathy tank is on empty. This workshop is designed to help clinicians deal with their anger constructively, in terms of both patient interaction and their personal well-being.
Control: What is Within Your Control and What Isn’t (and Why it Matters)?
Description: Loss of autonomy is one of the key drivers of clinician burnout. The way health care is delivered is not going to change in the near term, so it is critical that clinicians are self-aware around what they control and what is out of their control. Paradoxically, having a better understanding of this challenge leads to greater autonomy and wiser use of physical and emotional energy.
Running the Medicine Marathon
Description: Practicing medicine is often a daily marathon (that includes many sprints). Successful clinicians have developed tools and resources that enable them to weather the hardest days. This session will provide evidence-based resiliency tools that are pragmatic and readily adopted for the marathon ahead of us.
Peer Support
Description: The latest clinician well-being research demonstrates that peer support is one of the essential tools in the resiliency toolbox. But it isn’t easy to develop or sustain for busy clinicians with work and home demands. This session will cover why peer support matters, the different forms it can take, and how to sustain it. Methods will be demonstrated in real time that can be replicated with the colleagues and teams that clinicians work with every day.
Description: Rest is often as see as an aspirational idea by many clinicians. The basics of individual renewal include things like sleep, days off, exercise, “technology Sabbaths.” While the benefit of these basics is well known, clinicians often need practical strategies to make sure they happen. This workshop provides tools for self-care and renewal, based on the latest research.
Meaning, Purpose, and Reconnecting with Your ‘Why’
Description: Research from the Mayo Clinic, Gallup, Simon Sinek, and others firmly demonstrates that connecting to the meaning and purpose of work increases well-being, and guards against burnout. In this session we present the evidence, and then demonstrate in an interactive way how clinicians can reconnect with the meaning they find in medicine.
Atomic Habits
Description: Drawing on the work of James Clear and others, this workshop provides a model and tools to develop good mental habits, and get rid of poor ones. The ideas of these leading thinkers are help clinicians build resilience through tools that can be implemented at work or home.
To find out more or schedule your workshop,
contact or call 802.860.1936.